Togo - Atchavé
Installation and use of a C8 machine in the Peripheral Care Unit of Atchavé village in Togo.
Currently in the village, a solar pumped borehole is installed but only works a few hours a day (from 11am to 3pm approximately) and 2 TDC.
The installation of our C8 machine allows us to produce more than 20 liters of drinking water per day due to the very good climatic conditions, which is the equivalent of the water needs of 15 to 20 children.
The C8 Atmospheric Water Generator is a small, mobile and very easy to install machine that takes moisture from the air and turns it into pure drinking water! It just needs electricity to operate and a sufficient humidity level.
The elementary and middle school, currently without water, would need 40 liters of water each per day.
After the installation of this pilot site, we carried out a tour in 4 villages of the Canton "Haho 1" to carry out a mission of evaluation in order to multiply the experiment to thus bring drinking water in a perennial way to other populations deprived of all.